Services and execution of steel structural framing for buildings and industrial projects

اجرای اسکلت فلزی ساختمانی و صنعتی + عوامل موثر بر قیمت

The framework of a building is the most critical part of construction in the process of building any structure, consistently presenting challenges to builders. Steel framing is one of the methods of construction, and its correct selection and implementation play a significant role in the strength of the structure. Additionally, it can also affect the final cost. What are the advantages and types of steel frameworks for buildings and industrial structures? In this article from Saman Dezh, we will examine the services and execution of steel frameworks for buildings and industrial applications. Stay with us.

Advantages of Using Steel Structural Frames in Construction and Industry

The use of steel structural frames in construction and industry offers numerous benefits, the most important of which include:

  • Lightweight
  • High resistance
  • Durability
  • Retrofit capability
  • Faster installation
  • More suitable for longer structures

We will discuss each of these advantages in detail below.


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Metal frames used in building and industrial construction are lighter compared to other types of frames used in the construction process. Therefore, choosing this structure contributes to reducing the overall weight of the building.

High Strength

Another advantage of metal building frames is their high strength. As you know, metals have the greatest resistance against various factors such as pressure. Consequently, selecting this frame is ideal for constructing structures on unstable ground.

High Durability

Steel building structures are highly durable. However, this is only achievable if the steel frame is properly maintained over the long term.

Reinforcement Capability

Mistakes can always occur during the construction process of building and industrial structures. If an error occurs during the installation of the industrial metal frame, it can be reinforced. Additionally, adding new sections to the structure is also possible.

Fast Installation

Metal frames for buildings and industrial applications require less time to execute compared to other methods. Many builders use prefabricated industrial metal frames to increase construction speed.

Suitable for Longer Structures

Metal frames are a suitable choice for longer structures due to their high strength and resistance.

Types of Metal Building and Industrial Frames by Connection Type

Metal frames for buildings and industrial applications can be classified into two categories based on the type of connections: welded or bolted frames. Both of these metal frames share common characteristics, including high strength, low weight, and reasonable cost. The features of different types of metal frames in terms of connection are as follows:

  • Bolt and Nut Skeleton

A bolted construction skeleton is a type of steel framework in which all components, including beams and columns, are manufactured in a factory and then assembled together. The industrial prefabricated steel skeleton is a type of bolted skeleton. One important aspect regarding bolted skeletons is their method of transportation. The installation of the industrial steel skeleton at the project site is only possible with the use of a large-sized vehicle. For this purpose, the skeleton is transported to the project site by truck or trailer after its construction.


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  • Reading Steel Frame Industrial Plans

Reading plans for industrial steel frames is one of the important aspects in the process of constructing and producing bolted frames. This is because the strength, durability, and construction quality of the structure depend on it. Therefore, it is advisable to identify reputable factories before making a purchase.

The advantages of bolted frames include increased speed and productivity in the construction process. This type of frame has various applications due to its ease of delivery and use. Choosing bolted frames is prioritized over welded frames for large buildings with high square footage, thanks to their high load-bearing capacity, accelerated construction speed, high precision in the production stages, and accurate connections.

  • welded skeleton

Steps for Implementing Welded Skeleton Structures

The implementation of a welded skeleton, unlike bolted metal structures, takes place on-site. The cutting of various parts, such as columns and beams, is done at the job site. Welding of components and creating connections also occur at the same location.

In the process of constructing industrial metal skeletons, it is essential to consider the proper principles of reading industrial metal skeleton plans. The type of welding and its quality are crucial due to the potential detachment of connections caused by exposure to humid environments and high temperatures.

Welded metal skeletons are suitable for buildings with small areas and dimensions, as performing welding connections in large buildings is relatively difficult. Overlapping connections, end connections, and edge-to-edge connections are some types of welded skeleton connections. These connections are named based on the position and type of components.

Factors Affecting the Price of Metal Structures

Several factors influence the price of building and industrial metal structures, including:

1️⃣ Material Costs

The price of a metal skeleton varies based on different factors, including material prices. Rebar, I-beams, and angle iron are some of the construction materials used in the process of constructing industrial metal skeletons. The price of each of these materials can fluctuate significantly over time due to inflation, supply levels, demand levels, exchange rates, and economic conditions.

Using high-quality materials can significantly increase the overall cost of constructing a metal skeleton. Employing quality materials is essential for ensuring the safety and strength of the structure.

2️⃣ Type of Materials

The type of materials is another influencing factor in the cost of a building’s metal skeleton. This structure requires I-beams for construction. Double I-beams, honeycomb I-beams, standard I-beams, and sheets are the main materials used in producing metal skeletons.

Each of the mentioned I-beams has different applications. To reduce overall costs, it is advisable to identify reputable companies that provide cost-effective services. Interestingly, Saman Dezh is one of the reputable companies that operates in the field of metal skeleton construction services.

عوامل موثر بر قیمت اسکلت فلزی ساختمانی و صنعتی


3️⃣ Structural Design and Blueprint

The design and blueprint of the skeleton are also influential in determining the price of the steel structure of a building. The type of design and final blueprint of the steel skeleton specify the amount of materials required for constructing the steel structure. A complex building blueprint and a larger area increase the demand for more materials. If you are looking for a way to reduce the cost of purchasing a steel skeleton for a building, choose a simple design.

4️⃣ Labor Rates

The execution of construction and the construction of the steel skeleton are other factors affecting the price of the steel skeleton in residential and industrial buildings. This process is carried out by a contractor and a team of individuals. The wages of the workers and contractors are calculated based on the weight of the structure or area, depending on the project location. In some cities, the labor rates payable to the contractor and workers for constructing this structure are determined based on the season when the work starts. The complexity of the structure’s design and the execution of different parts of the building also impact the wage amount.

Execution of Steel Skeletons for Buildings and Industry at Saman Dezh

The execution of steel skeletons for residential and industrial buildings varies in terms of cost and construction methods based on the requested quality, financial considerations, existing conditions, and other factors. In this article, we reviewed the types of steel structures for residential and industrial use, their advantages, and the factors influencing their prices. Nowadays, various companies are active in the field of constructing steel structures for buildings.

If you are looking for a reputable company that provides services for executing various steel structures, we recommend Saman Dezh. For more information regarding purchasing, pricing, and other inquiries, please contact our experts at Saman Dezh through the provided communication channels.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to execute a bolted steel skeleton?
The construction time for a bolted steel skeleton varies depending on factors such as project size, design complexity, structure weight, etc. For more information on this subject, please contact the consultants at Saman Dezh.

What is the best type of steel skeleton for small-sized buildings?
Welded steel skeletons are more suitable for buildings with smaller areas compared to bolted steel skeletons.

How much does it cost to execute a steel skeleton for a building?
This cost varies based on labor rates, current material prices, the amount of materials required, and the type of materials. For accurate pricing, please contact the experts at Saman Dezh.


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